Richard Yancy's Blog
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Balanced budget amendment will do just that | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
Balanced budget amendment will do just that | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Crab Theory
Here's an interesting article that describes the Crab Theory. The URL is http://library.gallaudet.edu/deaf-faq-crab.shtml

Monday, February 11, 2008
A Very Inspirational Video
Click the link to see very inspirational video from Obama.

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq

Executive Order: Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq

Thursday, June 21, 2007
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Alcohol banned in Aborigine areas
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Alcohol banned in Aborigine areas

Here's a very interesting article. It's about an approach the Australian government is taking to protect and care for the children. It would be interesting to see if it actually works.

Monday, May 21, 2007
L.A. gang members go union - Los Angeles Times
L.A. gang members go union - Los Angeles Times

This has to be one of the few stories that I have seen that talks about something positive being done by workers' union. The corporate world is always bashing unions for one thing or another. Here's an example of how unions are helping a part of society that has too long been "written-off".

Down To Business: Offshoring Mania Goes To Ludicrous Extremes -- Offshore Outsourcing
Down To Business: Offshoring Mania Goes To Ludicrous Extremes -- Offshore Outsourcing

Here's an interesting piece on the outsourcing issue. It contains a bit about outsourcing the local news in Pasadena, CA. I wonder who actually came up with the idea and how many people thought it was actually a good idea. the rest of the article is just normal fodder on the issue. It does mention a story where PBS reported that IBM is planning to terminate 150,000 workers in the U.S although IBM does not have nearly the many U.S. workers. The irony in this is that IBM did have that many at one point in the not to distant past.

Friday, October 06, 2006
Microsoft and Sony Do It Wrong With the Zune and PS3: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance
Microsoft and Sony Do It Wrong With the Zune and PS3: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

Here's an interesting article that makes a very valid point. It involves two very big corporations trying to push their will onto consumers. Both companies have shown a pattern and it does not seem like they are learning from history. For Microsoft I would just say remember Bob. For Sony I would just say remember beta.

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